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Reason No. 4,500,898,145 why conservatives are better than leftists:

When conservatives opt to boycott targets and Targets, mountains get moved and the knees of titans buckle.
When leftists opt to boycott things, they get brutally mocked on social media.

Case in point, look no further than virtue-signaling C-list actress Rachelle Lefevre, who wanted to join conservatives in boycotting retail conglomerate Target — but not quite for the same noble reason of wanting to protect minors from perverted filth.

No, Lefevre, whose greatest claim to fame is a bit role in a pair of “Twilight” movies before her character was recast, is choosing to boycott the retail chain because it’s not throwing quite enough degeneracy into the faces of children.

She talked about it in an Instagram Reel late last week:

Using the hashtags “target” and “fail,” the insipid video showcases Lefevre explaining why can’t bring her “non-binary” child to Target, at least for the duration of June.

“So I just walked into Target and right behind me where you see all these lovely swimsuits, that’s where the ‘pride’ display used to be,” the Canadian-born actress said. “And I came in here two days ago and my 7-year-old, who’s nonbinary, saw it and said, ‘Look, Mom, it’s pride. Look, they’re going to celebrate me.’”

(The underlying message here appears to be that Lefevre doesn’t celebrate her child enough, but that’s neither here nor there.)

“And because some people complained and threw some stuff to the ground, or I don’t know what happened, they have moved the pride section to the back of the store,” she continued.

“So the next time my 7-year-old comes to Target,” Lefevre said, “or, rather, I can’t bring them here anymore, at least for the entire month of June, because if they walk in, and all the other people who walk in and go, ‘Where’d it go?’ are going to realize that they are being successful in trying to erase them.

“We could do much better than this. We’re not supposed to negotiate with the terrorists. We can do so much better than this.”

Lefevre (who makes her “she/her” pronouns crystal clear in her Instagram username) is actually right on the money.

We can do so much better than this.

What kind of society have leftists wrought where it’s OK for a parent to so flagrantly embolden lunacy in an impressionable child? In what sane society are 7-year-olds mature enough to decide dinner every night, let alone what their immutable gender is? What kind of society lets children be taught that the only difference between men and women is whatever you’re feeling in a particular moment? And what kind of society breeds degenerate, useless parents who would rather be spineless sycophants than, you know, parenting?

If you need any further proof that Lefevre is a leftist loon, take a glance at the post’s caption and update.

“Congratulations, @target, your performative allyship just went next level,” Lefevre originally posted in accompaniment to her video. “And don’t anyone come back at me with ‘It was a security issue’ because this is a billion dollar company- if they really care, they can hire extra security but instead they chose to send the message that LGBTQ+ people aren’t worth protecting or fighting for.”

She then followed it up with: “UPDATE: If you came here and posted hateful, ignorant garbage, please just unfollow me. I’m sorry for whatever happened to you to make you susceptible to such lies and made your heart so hardened with hate, I truly am and I suggest you use your precious life force to find joy and fill your days with more love and more joy because you clearly aren’t finding it here.”

That thing dripping off her “UPDATE” is irony.

Because the only “hateful, ignorant garbage” in sight is Lefevre’s parenting. Seriously, what kind of mother raises her child to believe that his birth was somehow a “mistake” made by God?

The “love” and “joy” that Lefevre is peddling are anything but that.

She’s telling her son that he’s not good enough and that his mere existence is a mistake. There’s nothing loving or warm about that, no matter how much the left tries to spin pushing the LGBT agenda on minors as something altruistic.

Worse yet, Lefevre can bellyache all she wants, but she gives away her lack of conviction through her own words.

She’s only threatening to leave Target for a month. That’s hardly any sort of lesson being taught to the retailer.

But then again, based on what is known about her parenting skills, perhaps her inability to impart even one functionally useful lesson shouldn’t be any sort of surprise at all.

The post ‘Twilight’ Actress Says She Can’t Bring 7-Year-Old Son to Target, But Not for the Reason Anyone Would Think appeared first on The Western Journal.

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