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How long before they flip-flop on this one?

The Los Angeles Dodgers organization, already caught in a downward spiral largely of its own making, is being taken to the woodshed yet again after the sort of shamelessly obvious ploy you’d expect from a 5-year-old — not a baseball franchise worth billions.

To wit, the Dodgers have been trapped in an embarrassing PR crisis that has seen the team invite, dis-invite, and re-invite a blasphemous group of clearly mentally ill cross-dressers who collectively go by the name the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence.

It’s rather easy to see why this insipid group of heathens sparked such vitriol among anyone with a conscience:

WARNING: The following video contains graphic content some viewers will find disturbing.

Dodgers pitcher @ClaytonKersh22 has Col. 3:23 in his bio: “Whatever you do, work at it w/ all your heart as working for the Lord.” Manager Dave Roberts has said, “My relationship w/ Christ is the most important thing in my life.” Will they be silent as @Dodgers honor this group?

— Megan Basham (@megbasham) May 23, 2023

That disgusting, blasphemous display of vulgarity is just the tip of the iceberg with this “sisterhood.”

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Even if you are the most committed atheist in the land, it’s hard to argue that children (who make up a big portion of baseball’s fandom) need to be anywhere near that sort of degenerate filth.

After the Dodgers initially invited the group, and then sensibly disinvited it, a fierce outcry from the far left saw Los Angeles, yet again, bend the knee at the multi-colored altar of “wokeness” (this time, with some pathetic, “sincerest apologies” groveling thrown in as well).

— Los Angeles Dodgers (@Dodgers) May 22, 2023

That spineless display of flip-flopping from the Dodgers didn’t go unnoticed, irrevocably damaging the brand with swathes of conservatives and people of faith.

In what is surely a purely coincidental bit of timing, the Dodgers used star pitcher Clayton Kershaw, an avowed Christian, as a meat shield against Twitter hounds so that the team could announce “the relaunch of Christian Faith and Family Day at Dodger Stadium on July 30th.” (It’s worth noting that the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence will be honored June 16, a whole six weeks ahead of Christian families.)

Excited to announce the relaunch of Christian Faith and Family Day at Dodger Stadium on July 30th. More details to come— but we are grateful for the opportunity to talk about Jesus and determined to make it bigger and better than it was before COVID. Hope to see you on July 30th!

— Clayton Kershaw (@ClaytonKersh22) May 26, 2023

“Excited to announce the relaunch of Christian Faith and Family Day at Dodger Stadium on July 30th,” Kewshaw tweeted out Friday. “More details to come— but we are grateful for the opportunity to talk about Jesus and determined to make it bigger and better than it was before COVID. Hope to see you on July 30th!”

Poor Kershaw never stood a chance. The Dodgers star was ripped to shreds in the remarks, but no criticism was as biting as the one that conservative pundit Mike Cernovich had for Kershaw.

You sold your soul for this?

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) May 26, 2023

“You sold your soul for this?” Cernovich wrote in a response tweet to Kershaw.

The Dodgers fared no better when they finally peeked their heads out from under a rock, as their own iteration of the Faith night festivities announcement was met with equally biting responses.

In particular, CatholicVote, one of the largest Catholic advocacy groups in the country, and its president tore into the flaccid announcement from the Dodgers:

Statement from CatholicVote President Brian Burch: The @Dodgers’ announcement today is the equivalent of putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound and in no way diminishes the harm and hurt caused by their plan to honor a vile anti-Catholic organization. Creating a “faith and family”…

— CatholicVote (@CatholicVote) May 26, 2023

“The @Dodgers’ announcement today is the equivalent of putting a Band-Aid on a gaping wound and in no way diminishes the harm and hurt caused by their plan to honor a vile anti-Catholic organization,” CatholicVote president Brian Burch said in a statement.

“Creating a ‘faith and family’ event does not balance the decision to honor a perverted, fake ‘nun’ group that exists to mock the Catholic religion.

“In many ways, it emphasizes the contrast, and makes our case even stronger.”

Indeed, the utterly transparent nature of this stunt can’t be understated. It truly is akin to a “Band-Aid on a gaping wound.” It’s the equivalent of saying the n-word and then having “NAACP Friends and Family Night.”

It’s pathetic, and enough kudos can’t be given to Brian Burch, who just torched the Dodgers in perfectly eloquent fashion.

“It’s hard to interpret this announcement as anything other than a public relations stunt intended to blunt the widespread national backlash that is only growing stronger,” Burch continued in the statement.  “The Dodgers have one path forward: apologize and stop honoring hateful anti-Catholic organizations.”

It really is a rather simple solution, given that this isn’t a morally gray area — at all.

But given the way the Dodgers initially handled this debacle, you can fully expect Christian family night at Dodgers Stadium to get canceled and re-instated, followed by an announcement for “Satanism Speed Dating Night” next.

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