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Seven years later and twice-failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is still making the rounds complaining about losing to Donald Trump.

Pressed on whether Trump will win a second term, Clinton insisted she was the rightful victor of the 2016 presidential race

“The Electoral College is a terrible anachronism that, you know, has caused people like me who win the popular vote not to be president,” Clinton grumbled at an event hosted by the Financial Times in Washington, DC. “But that’s beside the point.”

“So think about this. I win by nearly 3 million votes over Trump in 2016. I lose the Electoral College by 77,000 votes. Biden wins by over 7 million votes and wins the Electoral College by 100,000 votes. It was a mirror image of what happened to me, only I was on the losing side and Biden was on the winning side.”

The scandal-plagued former secretary of state warned Trump is livid because he failed to steal the 2020 election as he had in 2016.

Trump “is angry because his game failed, his rigged game to steal the election,” she said.

A return of Trump to the White House will spell gloom and doom, Clinton seethed.

“If Trump wins, which I do not believe will happen, let me just quickly say that. If in some scenario that were to happen, it would be the end of democracy in the United States, it would be the end of Ukraine. It would become a — you know, he will pull us out of NATO if he wins again. And just like he pulled us out of the Iran deal, he pulled us out of the Paris Accords. He will pull us out of NATO.”



On Friday, Biden was captured nearly slipping on a set of stairs while visiting Japan for the G7 summit. He caught himself before hitting the ground. Biden has publicly fallen and stumbled more than any president in history and can barely walk or talk.

Asked about Biden’s competency amid his ostensibly fragile health, Clinton ceded Biden’s age “is a concern for anyone” and “an issue” that “people have every right to consider.”

She then touted Biden’s ability to compete and create jobs.

“I am of the camp that I think he’s determined to run; he has a good record that, three years ago, people would not have predicted would have gotten done,” Clinton said. “He doesn’t get the credit yet that he deserves for what is happening out in the country in terms of jobs, growth, planning for the future with CHIPS and other stuff.

“I obviously hope he stays very focused and able to compete in the election because I think he can be reelected and that is what we should all hope for.”

Eighty-year-old Biden recently launched his 2024 reelection bid. He would be 86-years-old by the end of a second term.

The post Hillary Clinton Who Was Behind the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax Says Trump Winning in 2024 Would ‘End Democracy in America’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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