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Investigative journalist James O’Keefe III broke his first major investigation in March since the launch of O’Keefe Media Group.

The legendary journalist released video from his investigation of the Democrat’s VAST NETWORK of donation harvesters.
The investigation involved:


This was another explosive revelation by James O’Keefe.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported on the vast far-left network of donation harvesters that James discussed in his video.

The information was first released by Chris Gleason and was first published at The Gateway Pundit back in December 2022. Chris Gleason found a massive number of “Campaign Finance Mules” making hundreds, even thousands of donations per year.

It turns out that millions in donations were sent to candidates like Raphael Warnock from “money mules” around the country. Warnock was the top beneficiary of all 2022 Democrat candidates of this money distribution scheme. In April 2022, engineer Chris Gleason began working on his first data project involving elections. The project was tied to the 2022 midterm election. This was unique for Chris because he had been involved in tech and data for the majority of his adult career although he never used his expertise on a political project. What he and a small group of others determined was that Washington State had a massive network of campaign finance mules. They identified massive numbers of registered voters in Washington State who were making thousands of donations to Democrat party candidates nationwide and progressive PACs. The individual donation amounts were not large. These donations were small and had been intentionally set up to avoid throwing up reg flags.

These “Money Mules” were not wealthy individuals. They were average Americans, living in an average house in an average neighborhood.  Or at least that is how it would appear. The investigative group observed massive patterns and red flags in the data.  One of the biggest flags was that all of these campaign finance mules in Washington State had been making donations to Raphael Warnock in Georgia.

Another massive pattern discovered was that these very active donors were all unemployed. 

It appeared that their full-time job was making donations to Democrat candidates and their campaigns.

Chris asked “active” donors what they would think if he told them that he had identified voters who were making thousands of campaign donations in an election year.  They all had the same response. “Anyone making that amount of donations is laundering money and is part of a criminal enterprise.”

Recently, The Gateway Pundit teamed up with social media personality and producer Tim Cramer to investigate donation harvesters in Indiana.

Tim Cramer is the owner and creative director of Mosaic, a national advertising and marketing agency that works exclusively with conservative businesses, candidates, campaigns, and political special interest groups.  Tim Cramer and TGP contributor Adam Sharp recently investigated donations harvesters in Indiana.

The Gateway Pundit, with help from Chris Gleason, identified hundreds of Democrat Party donations harvesters active in Indiana.  Tim and Adam went out and knocked on doors and what they found was a major political scandal!  Numerous individuals who were listed as Democrat Party – Act Blue donors denied making the hundreds and thousands of donations listed under their name!  These Democrat donors told Tim and Adam that THEY DID NOT make these tens of thousands of dollars in political contributions!

We published this investigation last week.

MAJOR FRAUD EXPOSED: Democrats Caught Committing Massive Finance Crimes and Donations Harvesting in Indiana – Exclusive Video

And today we are releasing video footage of our continued investigation into donation mules – This time in Missouri.

This time Adam went to several homes in the St. Louis, Missouri region of suspected Democrat donation harvesters.  What we found was similar to what we discovered in the other states.  These homes listed as giving hundreds or thousands of donations to Democrat candidates either refuted the number of donations or denied the person was even living at the address!

This is a major national scandal.

And, for the record, we have a list of HUNDREDS of Democrat donation harvesters in Missouri – just like the other states we investigated.

Republicans need to investigate this massive Democrat scandal.

You can follow Adam at SharpElbows23

Thanks to Tim Cramer and Mosaic for the work on the video.
Please follow Tim Cramer at:

YouTube: CramerSez
Rumble: CramerSez
Twitter: CramerSez

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