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Kari Lake spoke to The Gateway Pundit yesterday after her three-day Maricopa County Superior Court trial, presenting evidence of signature verification fraud in the 2022 election, concluded.

The Judge will take the matter under advisement and is expected to issue a ruling as soon as next week.

Lake is fighting Maricopa County’s refusal to verify ballot affidavit signatures before Judge Peter Thompson after the Arizona Supreme Court remanded the previously dismissed claim back to trial.

This is perhaps the most critical allegation in Lake’s lawsuit because it will reveal the truth about the secretive mail-in ballot fraud scheme in Maricopa County and nationwide.

The Gateway Pundit reported on some key findings presented by witnesses and exhibits at trial.

Maricopa County signature reviewer Jacqueline Onigkeit testified that she saw a large number of signatures on ballot affidavits that were different names than the voter and that many other level-one signature reviewers “didn’t feel comfortable with what they were seeing.” 

ballots were sent back to level one reviewers by direct supervisors and full-time County employees” because they were too “overwhelmed” by the number of rejections, said Onikgeit. 

Kari Lake attorney Kurt Olsen also told the Court, “11 of the signature verification workers approved 170k signatures at a rate of less than 0 and 2.99 seconds with a 99.97% approval rating.” Later, in closing argument, Olsen revealed that “there were approximately 274,000 ballot signatures compared and verified in less than three seconds.”

Damning evidence of at least one Maricopa County signature reviewer simply clicking through signature checks significantly faster than their colleague seated next to them was also presented by Lake’s attorneys.

The Gateway Pundit later reported on another video showing a Maricopa County employee failing to verify signatures and likely approving over 5,600 signatures in about two hours.

Maricopa County Election Director Rey Valenzuela testified that this individual was “removed from the process.” However, the evidence proves that he was not.

Maricopa County Claims Employee Was Removed After Kurt Olsen Plays BOMBSHELL Video of Signature Reviewer “Verifying” Signatures in LESS THAN 2 Seconds Each – Employee Seen Working Until The End of Signature Review

According to the testimony by Jacqueline Onigkeit, signature reviewers “were told to scroll down and make sure that we verify the present green affidavit with the past history affidavits.”

It would be impossible to truly compare two signatures in this short amount of time without fraud. See examples of the fraudulent signatures previously accepted by Maricopa County here.

Maricopa County attorneys disregarded the evidence of employees not following the law. Instead, they claimed the testimony of Lake’s witnesses, signature verification workers who chose to follow the law, proved that their system was secure.

The Gateway Pundit correspondent Jordan Conradson spoke to Lake after the trial. Watch below:

Conradson: One of the most shocking things to me is 270,000 ballots verified in less than three seconds each. Obviously, that’s one of the most shocking things you could find in an election. What’s your response to that?

Lake: We have a truly one of the country’s, basically one of the world’s best experts on signature verification and handwriting, say that’s humanly impossible. There aren’t enough minutes in the day, seconds in the day, to do that. And so I’m really proud of our team. I’m proud that we were able to expose what’s happening, and we exposed what’s happening earlier on in our court case when it came to the sabotage of Election Day, and in this portion of our case, we’re showing that mail in ballots just aren’t secure because the only security feature that they have, signature verification, is really a sham, and that’s what we proved in court. I’m proud of our legal team, I’m proud of the incredible folks over at We The People for helping us pull things together and pull the investigation together. And all we want to do, and we’re not asking for a lot, is to have fair, secure, safe, and honest elections, and I’m not going to stop fighting for that for the people of Arizona.

Conradson: Signature verification is a sham. We’ve seen the video of the man clicking through signatures every less than two seconds. It takes less than two seconds Kurt Olson called him a woodpecker. I thought that was a pretty accurate way to sum it up.

Lake: When it takes a whole second to load the image, really you’re looking at almost a one-second approval, and let’s face it, this is nothing that should be laughed at. It’s horrifying what they’re doing to our sacred vote. Our founding fathers died for our right to have the ability to choose our representation. We had a monarchy. We were under the control of the King of England 240-plus years ago, and our founding fathers gave up everything, treasure, their lives. They fought, they spilled blood for this right to choose our representation. And Maricopa County and Arizona has made a mockery of that. We’ve proven it. Unfortunately, the good citizens of Arizona have become a victim of how they’re running elections in Maricopa, and frankly, other places in Arizona, but we’re talking about Maricopa County right now. And we’re not going to stand for it. We’re going to stand up and fight, and when they rig elections and destroy integrity in our elections, they destroy our country. We’re seeing it right now with Joe Biden running the show at the White House and destroying our country. We’re seeing it with a wide open border — millions of people pouring across. We’re seeing it with unsafe streets. And frankly, the people in this great country have had enough, we’re tired of it. We’re gonna fight to get back our integrity in our elections so that we can choose who runs our country, who helps to lead us, and who helps return our government. And so I just want to thank our attorneys. I want to thank Kurt Olsen and Bryan Blehm, We The People, and all of the incredible thousands of volunteers who helped bring our case for you. And I’m praying right now, and I ask everybody in America to pray for our judge that he makes the right decision. Because the people in this country and the people in this state need relief. We’re at wit’s end.

The Gateway Pundit will continue to provide updates on Lake’s election lawsuit.

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